Siddharth Malhotra and Janhvi Kapoor’s upcoming film 2025 has been announced, where a small teaser has been released, in which almost all the details of the film are available to see, this film will be completely full of love and romance, in whose main star cast you will see Janhvi Kapoor and Siddharth Malhotra acting, the name of the film is Param Sundari and just like the name of the film, in the same way, things are going to be seen inside this film, which will be completely a love story and romance film, the film has been directed by the director of this film Tushar Jalota.
Param Sundari cast
In the main star cast of Param Sundari movie, excellent acting is going to be seen by Janhvi Kapoor and Siddharth Malhotra, who will be seen in lead role acting, apart from this, information about the supporting star cast has not yet been revealed by the production, which will be seen very soon.
Param Sundari release date
The release date of the film Param Sundari has been announced on 24 December 2024. According to their official post, the film Param Sundari will be released on 25 July 2025. The film is very good and many people will come forward to watch this film. The name of the film is Param Sundari, where the character of Param Sundari will be played by Janhvi Kapoor, this has also been mentioned in their main post here.
Param Sundari first look
The post of the film Param Sundari which has been seen has been officially released for the first time where it has been told that Siddharth Malhotra will be seen playing the character of Param and Janhvi Kapoor will be seen playing the character of Sundari. Apart from this, it has also been fully mentioned in the post of the film that this film will completely showcase the paradise of North India and South India in which love and romance will be given completely.
Param Sundari storyline & budget
How will we get to see the story line of Param Sundari movie where a young boy named Param lives in North India and a girl named Sundari lives in the South who goes to visit the location, there a person meets her and then both of them fall in love with each other, so how will we get to see the combination and relationship of both on the big screen, many people are waiting for this, if we talk about the budget of the film, then around 30 to 40 crores will be invested in the budget of this film, the film has been produced by its producer Dinesh Vijan and the work of this film has been done by the production house Maddock Films.
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